Labels:text | screenshot | multimedia software | person | software | editing | graphics software | human face | woman | website OCR: fPAINT V1.0 (EK 12) €1998-2000 by Felix Schwarz Fertig 6PAI * + Rum Gruppe 1.JPG (748 x 532, 50 %) uber fiPLUGINs datatypes library v39/v43/v44 londer fxPAINT Documentation ICS Plugin OS 3.5 icon library loader's over CS 3.5 Workbench enhancement PCDO Flugm Embed Plugin (Philth) Pyro Plugin Render Plugin WOP Plugin Bil Innovative Stargate Plugin fxPLUGIN 7 Alpha Enhances fxPAINT using some of the OS 3.5 API functions @1999 by Felix Schwarz/Innovative Version: 1.00 Hilfe Aktiv - - NEW (313 x 217, 100 %) 7 Pinsel frMANAGER Realtime-Modus Zeichnen Zeichnen Optionen